"Horticultural Design" on Bayview is one of my favourite florists, unfortunately they don't have a website to link to. I took a trip there today to pick up succulents to fill in the planter Alisa gave us for our Anniversary a number of years ago. While there I was inspired to buy some live moss to make a tabletop chachka terrarium garden. I don't know why Eyal gave me these bunny salt and pepper shakers but they look adorable in there. I added a couple of eggcups from the collection Judy started for me more than thirty-five years ago to fill out the display. I'm so glad to finally have a use for this cake plate! The people in my household who could use some extra calories (AKA the twins) won't eat cake, and the big people can do just fine without it!
On the mantle I placed a candle holder upside down over a Wedgewood plate from my mother's collection, another eggcup filled with some more moss, and a hand painted wooden egg.
On the piano I've placed a silver tray filled with the remnants of the eggcup collection. Sadly Eyal and I did not put enough effort into securing the custom made eggcup cabinet to the wall when we moved to Larchmont. It crashed to the floor breaking a large percentage of the eggcups soon after we hung it.
The owner of "Horticultural Design" says to put a little bit of rainwater on the moss when I don't see condensation on the dome. If the moss is going to thrive in there I'm going to have to think about changing up the display with the seasons. I'll have to find something red, white and blue to make a Canada Day/4th of July display and I'm looking forward to making a summer display with the western themed salt and pepper shakers that Rick and Kris brought us from Alberta.
Now that I've started decorating for Spring I'm going to have to find an excuse to invite people over. My house is too small to host a seder so we always go to my MIL for the first night and my sister for the second night. We usually head to my SIL's for a casual Easter brunch where the kids usually find something left for them by the Easter Bunny. Unfortunately Kris has to head out to Saskatchewan to look after her Mom for the next week or so. I hope Margaret is feeling better really soon!
I wonder if the Easter Bunny will know to hide a little something for the kids in our backyard this year if we invite my brother and a few others over for brunch on Sunday?
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