Sunday, February 22, 2009

Searching for a name.

I'm pleased with this quilt so far. I'm pleased with the creative process. The way one idea led to another. the way it came together to honour the Bar Mitzvahs of Shlomo, and Simon, of our marriage and of my conversion to Judaism. It's being quilted by Sandy Lindal now. We spent an hour or so choosing and designing various patterns for the quilting of the concentric stars using the ideas of flames and flowing softness as our inspiration.

I had originally intended to make three of these quilts in a series. I would give one to Shlomo, one to Simon, and keep one for myself to enter in shows and to display for classes. Maybe I would make a fourth one to donate to my shul if they had a place they could display it. But as I worked, stitching triangle after triangle, I became too attached to this quilt. Zachary came downstairs a couple of times as I worked on it and asked if he could kiss it because he loves it so much! Emily would like to see it displayed on our dinner table but worries it might be damaged. I reassured her we could take it off before we set the table for dinner. All in all I'm not ready to part with it yet. I will take it to Kingston to offer as decoration for the hotel party room where Shlomo's Bar Mitzvah will be held if I have the binding sewn on in time. I'm intending to try to use a bright, bright turquoisy blue to be like the tips of flames. The quilt also got pretty big for a wall hanging, it's original intention. It's now 72 inches square (if it were square). Emily is very proud that it was her idea not to fill in the area between the points. I will add hanging triangles to each of the six points and buy thin, flat, light slats to keep it taught if I'm going to hang it on the wall. Simon and Shlomo will get smaller quilts made from some of the many extra triangles I cut.

But now I need a name. I was thinking of something in Yiddish since this first quilt would have been for our family's first native Yiddish speaker in at least a couple of generations. But then it started to be for Simon and for Eyal and my thirteenth wedding anniversary, and for the thirteenth anniversary of my conversion.

Suggestions so far are:

Heart of Judah
Yiddishe Kopf
Ah gute neshume
The Fire Within
My Path
The Rainbow Star
Magen Dovid
Mosaic of Love (or Fire)

Your suggestion here:

Thanks!! XOXO M


quiltcat said...

Joyful Stars! i don't know how to say it in Yiddish, but that's what your quilt says to me, both the colors and the message behind it.

Wendy said...

What a beautiful quilt all the lovely colors. How about "Colors of the Heart" for a name.